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東京大学名誉教授, 博士(工学)(東京大学)
日本建築家協会会員(JIA) 、日本建築学会正会員
生年 1949年 岐阜県生
2015 株式会社アプルデザインワークショップ代表取締役所長就任
2015 東京大学定年退職
2005 株式会社アプル総合計画事務所の建築部門を独立させ株式会社アプルデザインワークショップを設立
1999 東京大学教授(新領域創成科学研究科環境学専攻、 工学部建築学科兼担)
1998 デルフト工科大学客員研究員
1988 東京大学助教授(大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻)
1984 中野恒明氏と株式会社アプル総合計画事務所設立
1983-1988 東京大学助手(槇文彦教授)
1976-1983 株式会社槇総合計画事務所
* * *
2001-1007 東京大学出版会理事
1996-9 日本建築家協会理事
Hidetoshi OHNO
Architect, J.I.A
Doctor of Engineering (Architecture)
Born: Gifu, Japan,1949
Present Position:
Principal of APL Design Workshop, JIA
Emeritus Professor
The University of Tokyo.
1972 Bachelor of Architecture, University of Tokyo
1975 Master of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo,
1997 Doctor of Engineering (Architecture), Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Working experience:
1976-1983 Architect, Maki and Associates, Tokyo.
Teaching and Research:
1983-1988 Assistant to Professor Fumihiko Maki, Department of Architecture, University of Tokyo
1988-1999 Associate Professor (Architectural Design and Urban design), University of Tokyo.
1998 Research Fellow, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
2001 Visiting Professor, Department of Architecture, Sit-Lucas Higher Institute, Brussels
1999-2015 Professor (Environmental Studies, Architectural Design and Urban design), University of Tokyo.
2017-2020 Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University
2018-2021 Visiting Professor, HOUSEI University
2019-2021 Visiting Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts
Principal Publications:
1992 Ohno, Hidetoshi, et.al. Hong Kong:Alternative Metropolis, Special Issue of SD, March,1992, (Japanese/English), Tokyo, Kajima Institute Publishing,Tokyo, 1992.
2000 Ohno, Hidetoshi. How to develop your architectural idea. (Japanese), Tokyo, Syoukou-shya, 2000.
2006 Ma, Weidong, ed. Twelve Houses in Japan, (Chinese/English), Ningbo, Ningbo Publishing House, 2006, Print.
2006 Ohno, Hidetoshi, et.al. fibercity Tokyo 2050, JA No. 63, (Japanese / English), Shinkenchikushya,Tokyo, 2006
2007 Ohno, Hidetoshi. La ville fibre. in Bourdin, Alain, ed. Mobilité et Ecoplogie Urbaine. Paris, Descartes et Cie , 209-232, print.
2005 Ohno, Hidetoshi. Faserstadt Tokio, in Oswalt, Philipp, ed. Schrumpfende Städte Band 2.Leipzig, Hndlungskonzepte, 204-211, 2005, Print.
2007 Ohno, Hidetoshi. fibercity/ Desing for shrinkage. in Radovic, Darko, ed. ECO-URBANITY TOWARDS WELL-MANNERED BUILT ENVIRONMENT. London, Routledge, 79-91, 2007, Print.
2010 Ohno, Hidetoshi. Lecture by OHNO Hidetoshi: Fibercity”--Designing for Shrinkage. in WANG, Weijen, and Thomas CHUNG, eds. Hong Kong-Shehzen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism, Refabricating City: A Reflection. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2010, 191-192, 288-290, Print1997
2015 Ohno, Hidetoshi, et.al. Small Mobility will Change City, (Japanese),NTT Publishing, 2015, Tokyo.
2016 Ohno, Hidetoshi, et.al. Fibercity: A Vision for Cities in the Age of Shrinkage, (Japanese / English), University of Tokyo Press
Principal Awards and Prizes for Architecture Design:
1972 Grand Prix for Diplomat Design, Department of Architecture, University of Tokyo.
1972 Honorable Mention,5th MISAWA HOME Prefabrication House International Competition.
1986 Awards of Excellence 1985, for Lighting system of the congress hall of YKK headwater building, International Lighting Designers Association Toyama Pref.
1991 First prize, An International Architectural Competition on Ideas for the Ulugh Beg Cultural Center, Samarkand
1993 JIA (Japan Institute of Architects) Prize of the Young Architect of the Year for NBK Headquarters office and Auditorium, Gifu Pref.
1995 Annual Architectural Design Commendation of the Architectural Institute of Japan for Matsushiro Apartment, Ibaragi Pref.
1996 Annual Architectural Design Commendation of the Architectural Institute of Japan for YKK Namerikawa Dormitory, Toyama Pref.
1998 BELCA prize for Restoration of ex-custom house in Moji, Fukuoka Pref.
2005 BCS Prize for Renovation of the Yokohama Custom House, (with Kohyama Atelier) , Kanagawa Pref.
2007 BCS Prize for Freude Hikoshima, Yamaguchi Pref.
2007 JIA 7th Environmental Architecture Award for Building for the Institute of Environmental Studies, The University of Tokyo, Chiba Pref.
2010 JIA 3rd Grand Prix of the Architecture, finalist, for Freude Hikoshima, Yamaguchi Pref.
2010 Annual Architectural Design Commendation of the Architectural Institute of Japan for YKK Health Center, Toyama Pref.
2011 12th Public Building Award, Ministry of Construction and Transport for Renovation of the Yokohama Custom House, (with Hisao Kohyama) , Kanagawa Pref.
2011 BELCA prize for Restoration of YKK Industrial Museum, Fukuoka Pref.
2011 The Prize of AIJ 2011 (Architectural Design Division), for Institute of Physics and Mathematics for the Universe, Kashiwa Campus, Chiba Pref.
2012 BCS Prize for Institute of Physics and Mathematics for the Universe, Kashiwa Campus, Chiba Pref.